Provides a summary overview for individual or groups of properties and entire portfolios.
KEL Dashboard enables users to draw upon live valuation data and produce analysis at unit, property and portfolio level. The outputs are user defined and so can be combined and tailored for internal requirements, or external reporting to clients and investors.
Analysis of income, market rent, yields and capital values is available using generic valuation data. Users can also utilise our pre-populated categories, for example, to interrogate the environmental credentials of a portfolio. Alternatively create your own specific analysis metrics with an unlimited number of categories possible.
KEL Dashboard is included within KEL SigmaPlus, at no additional cost.
Dashboard uses live valuation data in real time, thereby removing the risks associated with gathering data from different sources
Built in flexibility allowing every user to run the analysis they require and create bespoke reports, or standardised templates used across the wider team and to report to clients.
The reports produced are instant from a ‘click of the button’. From individual properties for Investment Committee to monitoring portfolio impact following sales and purchases.
Analysis parameters based on income, MR or capital value are set by the user; reporting through charts and tables is also configurable too.
Brian Ronnie BSc FRICS ACIArb - Head of Professional Services, Ryden
"Ryden utilise both Kel Sigma and Kel Delta for investment and residual valuations. We find both these packages to be extremely useful and detailed. We utilise these programs for all forms of valuation however, feedback from our banking and corporate clients has been extremely positive, in particular for cash flow analysis. At Ryden, we would thoroughly recommend utilising KEL."